Since no one else has remembered to post about this day I will. Remember what they did and what they will continue to try to do. Stop them kill them all if we have to.
Thanks Meaux. Several days before 9/11/2018 I thought I would post something on that day as I have in the past but I forgot. If I forgot how many other people never gave it a thought? Too damn many!
It's not about forgetting. Each remembers in their own way, it doesn't always have to be a public declaration. My daughter had to go to one of her classes today prepared to talk about it and have "an opinion". She's seen the videos and we've talked about it but for the most she didn't have all the specifics tied together so we talked about it last night for about an hour. Remembering to that day....she was a month from being born. My head was in a totally different space.
Probably dangerous to express her opinion in a Cali classroom. Offend a mooslem and get kicked out of school.
am in Harrisburg, PA on business this week and had hoped to get to the site of Flight 93 but wont have the opportunity
I remember and will never forget. My wifes company lost 87 people in World Trade Center 2 . We went to New York City and went and paid our respects after the Memorial was opened. I bought a 911 flag and it is flying in front f my house with the American flag today. Never forget that Freedom isn't Free Those who don't value life are lost souls and I promise there are not virgins waiting for them but a eternity of burning in hell.
Dangerous may be a strong word but without a doubt there are repercussions if a student expresses opinions that are not in synch with the teacher's. She had a Spanish teacher last year who gave more points and more point opportunities to the kids with leftist/socialist ideas. There was one kid who was a very outspoken conservative and according to my daughter, is very smart, going to one of the acadamies, and he was regularly marked down. Her frustration at this point is the teachers who say they aren't going to discuss their political views.....but do so anyway. She'd rather they come out and admit their way of thinking so she knows what she's dealing with. The teacher I referenced above is a kal grad and an outspoken leftist. Last week he asked them each to bring in something their parents might have from the 60's and even better if it was something "counter-culture". I sent her in with her grandfather's (dad's side) Marine officer cap and gloves, distributed at Quantico, January, 1963....Viet Nam era. The other students loved it.....the teacher? Not so much. But now he knows what he's dealing with.
My older daughter was born on August 11, 2001, so she was a month old on 9/11. I wondered what kind of world I had brought a child into. She has studied up on 9/11 and watched many documentaries, along with visiting the museum at Ground Zero in New York. Sadly, many kids don't know much about 9/11 at all. I teach a reading class to at-risk kids one period a day. They couldn't tell me one thing that they knew about that day. We've spent about 15 minutes a day since last week learning about 9/11. Some of the kids have started looking up videos and documentaries on YouTube
YouTube....the educator of the masses. My son just watched a video called The Story of Flight 93 and my daughter watches to learn how to do her own hair shit. I only know how to do a basic braid or french braid. You can buy everything on Amazon, and you can learn how to do everything on youtube. What a world.