Yeah, and if memory serves, they got blownout 52-0 that day or something like that. Looking back at Les's OSU days, what's surprising to me is that he didn't seem to talk in circles back then, like he does now. Weird.
Remember, this is in Death Valley, where the grass taste best, and being somewhat of an expert on grass, I can tell you, good grass is definitely a bonus.
When my daughter was doing her 5th grade research paper on Les Miles last year, she found out Miles had a brain tumor removed while he was at Okie State. Could there be a connection to slower processing speed or with affecting his speech?
If that little nugget is true, then the "connection to slower processing speed or with affecting his speech" is absolutely within the realm of strong possibility. Even with a benign tumor, the route that a neurosurgeon may have to take can affect the "association cortex," which is involved with the processing of sensory input, its association to other functions, then affecting output via speech. We all 'search' for words & phrases to string together into sentences when we are asked a question; the process is even harder to do with style when we are under stress. Les, under stress, could make a bit of a mess due to less finesse with this very process....
I sure hope she didn't find out about his other lil nugget while he was there. To the OP, I remember a Nothingfaced poster here that was canned. Seems like he was a Bama poster.
I'm not sure, but she probably knows more about Miles now than he does himself--had over 100 notecards and a six-page report. Made a 97.