Our next governor, David Vitter survived a sex scandal. Edwin Edwards, no sex scandal. He freely admitted he liked women. Hmm, "made of steel." Maybe that's the real reason Hillary stood by her man.
David Vitter is a republican they survive them all the time. And that next governor comment makes me want to vomit. to go from Jindal to Vitter is the worst 1 - 2 political punch of all time. Louisiana is really, really stupid. Just think if Edwin Edwards ran for Gov against Vitter, either way the person in the Governors mansion is wearing diapers. Speaking of Edwards though, John Bel Edwards will be getting my worthless vote.
Ha Ha! I new that "next governor" comment would get a rise from you. But at this point I can't see anybody who can beat Vitter. Jindal turned out to care about nobody but Bobby Jindal and his megalomaniac political ambitions but hopefully Vitter will be a lot better and actual do something about cleaning up the mess Jindal has made. I don't think he has higher ambitions. To me, governor is a step down the desireability scale from senator. As a governor he is not only limited to 8 years but would be under constant scrutiny from the local media. As a senator he could keep getting reelected until he decides to retire or dies. And would be the focus of much less media attention.
That's because Vitter is exactly that. A megalomaniac who is only interested in what's best for David Vitter.
I don't doubt any of that and I don't see you as ignorant in the situation. What I said is that my experience as a woman and a mom and dealing with both stay-at-home moms and working moms by the dozens on a daily basis makes me a more accurate judge of what another mom has said and her intent in the matter. You may have all the compassion in the world for moms and yet it doesn't allow you the insight to walk in their stilettos. Had Hillary wanted to simply comment on her fortunate circumstances that allow her to comfortably work after having a child, then that's all she needed to say. She could simply have said, "Unlike other moms who have to work, I have a choice and mine is to continue my career." Instead, what she did was throw in the "baking cookies and having teas" comment. Dude.....that is shade! In the reverse, had a stay-at-home mom said her choice was in deference to going back to work and "leaving my child with strangers", it would be no different. Comment on your OWN choice, don't speak with sarcasm regarding someone else's. Many? Perhaps. So? Many stay-at-home moms voted for Bill because he was cute. I saw the clip and I know exactly what she was asked. Had I been asked the same question and shared her circumstances, I would never have made the comment she did. It was elitist and condescending. It's who she is. She made the comment with tone and inflection and gestures. She may have ended with a brief soliloquy aimed at her prominently promiscuous partner, but when she said "some little woman", I know exactly what she meant. Maybe they did, I don't know the statistics. What I do know is that the country was coming off a Hawkish pro-military Reagan at a time when single moms still struggled. That will always get the attention of ALL moms, regardless of circumstance or political party. Plenty of wives stay with cheating husbands because they are not individually financially soluble. Hillary stayed for political reasons, not love. Nobody buys that shit.
JFK was the most prolific cheater to date. He didn't survive his politics but it wasn't Jackie who shot him.