No I think I get what you were saying. I mean really it's a wedge issue. Like abortion. And like abortion the side that "defends" LBGT rights make me feel like they want this to continue to be an issue like racism. I mean if the left can't use discrimination and racism to drive people to the polls, what will they use? So in a way I feel like democrats have no desire to see any progress when it comes to race related issues and LGBT rights. I mean if racism and discrimimation goes away what do they have? Same with abortion on the right and now this reverse racism shit. Does anyone really believe republicans want abortion to become illegal? I mean that's an issue they love to champion but if it becomes illegal they can't really fire up the religious right and use it anymore. Same thing with Trump and his transgender military thing. Does anyone really believe Trump gives a rats ass who serves and who doesn't? As long as he and his kids don't he doesn't give a fuck. But it damn sure riled up his base didn't it, and it kinda made Russia go away too. For all this talk about Trump not being a politician and not being part of the swamp he is actually rather good at playing politics, he is as much a politician as anyone in Washington, only difference is he is a bigger douche most of the time and his skin is way thinner.
My meanings were already twisted by another, got tired of it,.. Equal under the law,.. how can I argue with that.
Can't. But I respect your right to do so, free speech and all. I don't need cheering. I'm a happy camper.
But what if you were very experienced and proficient in the safe use of firearms? Also child molesters should be executed whether they kill their victims or not.
She is cheerful, however you would probably need to do a real search to find a woman that is more comfortable with her convictions. That deserves respect. I don't think I've seen anyone on this board that really makes me question some of my own beliefs at times. And I don't think that's a bad thing for anyone. She does a very good job of articulating opposing beliefs in a respectable way.