It speaks a little more than that within our conference. Tennessee is trying to build a persona again. The approach Butch Jones is taking can surprise some people...namely, Richt.
This solution would end essentially every game being played by both sides in recruiting right now. "What if prospects could sign at any time following an offer from the school — not just after the first Wednesday in February of their senior season — instantly locking both sides into an agreement of at least one academic year beyond the enrollment date. Schools would, in theory, be much more selective in doling out offers, and players would be slower to commit. Because in this case, to commit would be to sign and forfeit your right to negotiate with other schools. "If somebody has offered a kid, let him sign, it's over," former Nebraska head coach Bo Pelini told in June 2014. "That will stop some of the things that are happening -- people just throwing out offers, some of them with really no intention of taking a kid." Of course I seriously, seriously doubt that little Nicky would like that because that would end the "processing" of commits at Alabama where he supposedly accepts a verbal from a kid and then dumps him near NSD if he can find someone better. But it forces the kid to honor his word (which he should do anyway), forces the school to honor their word (which they should do anyway), and allows better planning for the school to fill needs (aka the Leo Lewis situation with LSU where he apparently lied to LSU coaches right before NSD when he said he would sign with LSU).