What is going on with our recruiting in florida besides patrick peterson we seem to have fallen way off since saban has left. In my opinion if you can not recruit florida and texas you will not win championships. We do a good job in texas but in florida we are not winning the battles even north carolina is whipping us in the area. LSU has got to find someone with ties in florida period...
We had decent shots at Debose, Dye, and Bostic, out of Florida, we also go Ryan Baker last year as well. He had a positive impact on our team this year. I think it will get better, but its always tough, with Miami, Florida and Florida St. Now even USF and FAU are getting kids that cant get into those 3 major schools. With Texas its different because theres always a greater chance that the kid we are recruiting in Texas has ties to Louisiana or is from Louisiana.
i understand everything you are saying but it's like we are not even being considered bye these kids anymore. i know we were considered bye the sanford 3 but that was it. i was looking at the the miami UA camp we arent even cracking these kids top 5 so far i know its early but i think we can do alot better in florida.
Does it really matter as long as we're getting top talent? Miles just brought down the #1 overrall class. I don't care if they're from Alaska.
I get your point and at the same time, Florida produces the top speedsters year after year. Making those kids a target seems a smart thing to do.
Karnell Hatcher is also from Florida. We typically only get like 1-3 Florida guys each year, so I don't think it's any different. Last year we got Peterson, Hatcher and Baker out of there. This year we missed out on some guys from there but as long as we clean up LA and make out ok in TX and FL each year we're going to be A-ok. The loss of Florida kids is a alleviated a bit by Miles' increased presence in Georgia, which Saban was never really able to pry open.
ohh yes it makes a difference.....for example how well have they recruited according to the recruiting services yet there talent does not match up with the exact same rated talent from florida,texas, louisiana and georgia.. I am not compalining at all we had a great class but u have to get better..we used to get 2-3 players from florida this year not one....
1. You lock up Louisiana 2. You then have targets from all over the southeast and it does not matter where they are from. It just changes annually, but we'll recruit east Texas harder because of distance.
I'm a little concerned about the fact that we didn't get a Florida guy for the first time in many years, maybe in this decade, but it's hard to complain when you had the #1 or #2 recruiting class in the country. If we don't get anyone from Florida this year and finish 15th, I'll be nervous about our pipeline there.