We could have had Peyton Manning, Tom Brady or Joe Montana and all they would do is hand the ball off
How do you justify not even giving Harris a look in the shutout? As another poster noted, that's 23 points in the last 3 games, and Harris can't even get a shot? Hard to understand, and if he transfers, we're stuck with only Jennings probably for 2 more years...
Harris will have to keep his mouth shut, and come out and show Leslie overwhelming that he is much better than Jennings, even 8 wins for Jarrett Lee said nothing to Leslie. Harris is gonna have to do some heisman worthy shit in practice.
If Harris leaves it will be detrimental to the current qb situation and to the future of the position when comes to recruiting. Again if I were Cameron I would be concerned about my credibility being questioned due to miles' ignorance. How can Cameron go and sit in front of a young man and his family to recruit the qb position right now and have them feel confident with a future in Baton Rouge?
Even if Harris stays, we're stuck with Jennings for 2 more years. That's how CLM operates. Harris WILL NOT get meaningful playing time, and apparently won't even get garbage playing time, until his senior year. Who would stick around for that in this offensive, and I mean offensive, scheme.