Reasons To Hate The Aggies

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Kurtis Bleaux, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. kluke

    kluke Founding Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    You know your right, they really try to hard to have tradition. As if they have nothing better to do; of course it's College Station so I guess they don't. It gets old wishing you lived some place cool like - Austin.:hihi: :hihi:
  2. TSdude

    TSdude Founding Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    You're right, I don't know specific numbers. I would likely guess LSU was very comparable to A&M when it too had a cadet corps. Obviously, that's not the case now. But back in my parent's days at LSU it was still the "Ole War Skule." My uncle for instance was commissioned before WWII and retired as a full-bird Army colonel.
    So, you take exception with my "pretend soliders" assertion. Ok, so be it, but you know as well as I do that they are cult-like in College Station. And, I'm sorry but in my opinion there's a big difference between a "soldier" fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and a "soldier" dressed in a doughboy uniform wielding a sword fighting off the infidels trying to walk on Kyle Field.

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