WTF is next, guns for dogs and fish.... Earlier this week, a commentator for NRA News raised eyebrows with a video making the case for letting the blind legally carry guns in public. Most Americans don't agree, a new HuffPost/YouGov poll shows.
I don't know many blind people, but I know some that can see that I might rather a blind person have a gun instead
How about Ray Charles. Remember the scene from the Blues Brothers movie when Jake and Elwood are in a music store owned by Ray Charles? When a thief tries to steal a guitar off the wall Ray Charles whips out a pistol and snaps off a perfect shot.
A blind person cannot legally drive a car. But a blind person has as much right as anybody else to own a car. I wouldn't advise a blind person to openly carry a firearm in public but a blind person has as much right as anybody else to own a firearm. I don't thing we are about to see a rash of pistol packing blind folks in every Starbucks in the country. Are you aware of the fact that there are some blind people who actively participate in the sport of hunting. Through the aid of sighted friends and special equipment there are actually blind hunters. Obviously there is no hunting indoors so for a blind person to hunt he has to be able to legally possess a firearm outside of his home. The survey on the website says that only 23% of Americans believe that blind people should be allowed to own guns. Since it is from the liberal Huffington Post to get an accurate figure you would have to take the statistics from a more conservative publication and then may divide them with the HP's and split the difference.
Though it be open carry, I'm fairly certain that the blind can already carry. Wouldn't that be discrimination to say otherwise? Well in Louisiana there is no "open carry permit". A person can open carry, lawfully, without one.