This weekend's total coaching CF not withstanding, I'll respond to your points: I would say this list of his recruits ain't too shabby: Tommy Hodson,Wendell Davis, Eddie Fuller, Nacho Albergamo, Eric Andolsek, Harvey Williams, Ralph Norwood, Tony Moss, Karl Dunbar, Ronnie Haliburton, Eric Hill, Sammy Martin, Greg Jackson, and David Browndyke. I was not including Charlie Mac as a previous sub-par coach. While it's true that Arnsbarger played a role in Archer getting the job, I still believe that he was just the beginning of a trend toward taking the easy way out. And, no, he wasn't ready...any more than Laval was after Bertman. I would hardly call 3-3 (50%) a success. As far as the 4 (not 5) 4th downs, again, that was in his earlier days ('07) when he had more to prove and wasn't so settled in his ultra-conservative ways yet. No doubt, LSU should tread cautiously when making a coaching change. But my point is that many people are giving off the sense of total paralysis and are petrified at the very thought of change. The fact that Alleva et al covered their asses and stuck with Miles in the 11th hour should prove that they don't intend to make anymore Curly-esque hires and feel that this program is way beyond that (not to mention that LSU can't afford literally and figuratively to take such a giant step backwards). I say, chill out people! Let it happen and play itself out (in a proper fashion next time). IF they make the right hire, even if it takes a year or two to get established, the tide will turn (pun intended).