It was a good quote but I disagree with that and many of the posts on this board. It would be stupid to shell out 15 million for Miles and probably another 4 for his coaches given the oil climate and the way Jindal has screwed up school funding. I am glad he's not the Gov of Texas. The only ones that need to go are Cameron and Peveto. Turn Harris loose and let him do what he is good at. You can't win with all the kids that we have on both sides of the ball, it just cannot happen, at least playing smash mouth football. You have to out smart them but Kirby Smart is not living up to his name either.
Sorry, Its late and I was reading a 'Bama board before i got here About how they're gonna crush Auburn by a hundred points. I meant Kevin Steele (K.S.). He is just too complicated for these kids we have on D.
He's not even in the Top Two. Nick Saban and Bill Arnsparger are 1-2. Don't really care where he belongs in the LSU HFC rankings. It's irrelevant. He doesn't maximize the potential of the existing talent pool on Offense and he refuses to recruit SEC Championship caliber QB's that can throw the football. All that NFL caliber talent and we can't even sniff first place in the SEC West. Most LSU Fans, Alums, (Class of 82 myself) Power Brokers and Former Players have had enough and desire change for the better!
depends. you measure coaches by wins and losses especially when its in the toughest conference in the toughest division. in his prime les was as good as anyone in w-l. How he got there is another story. If you want to rank tacticians, thats a whole nother discussion. He was definitely not that. I can only imagine how dominant he would have been and still be if he was. Put jimbos brain in les' whackiness and its the vince lombardi of the 21st century.
Do people believe that if we replace Miles next year, our first year head coach can implement his scheme in less than one year and compete for the NC? Next year should be the realization of our potential on this roster. I don't think we should mess with it at this time. If Miles can't put together a one-loss season next year, then I think he's lost his touch. But I think there's too much at risk next season to try and bring someone new in and compete right away.
If he continues to tank next year, THEN he's lost his touch? We're well past the second standard deviation, not totally certain but basically everything but. Next year will be too long in the void of space and make the next Guy's job more difficult.
miles' U-haul has already made 4 trips to temporary storage. hes gone. long gone. now its time to start criticizing the new guy. shane hates him so hes got a good chance of being successful.
I'm not certain. He's had two bad seasons in a row. Before that he had two 10-win seasons in a row. I'm not convinced he's lost his touch. Moreover, hiring a new guy is going to squander a relatively high-talent team without question. I think we still have a shot next year with Les, whereas we don't with a new coach, due to no fault of that coach. Let's also remember that Les went 8-5 and 9-4 two seasons in a row before making a come back to a 13-0 regular season. So, no, two straight 4 to 5 loss seasons doesn't convince me.