Chasing the almighty dollar It's a damn shame when money trumps tradition. Bye bye night games in Death Valley, now we're shills for Nike. I'd prefer to see a game once in a while where LSU wears our 60's style uniforms with player numbers on the helmets. Only 10 schools are taking Nike's money for the combat uniform game. Too bad we are one of them. On that note, I think Oregon's uniforms and Maryland's both look like they belong in a circus instead of a football stadium. Just be thankful we're not Ole Miss. They had to can Colonel Rebel, can't play Dixie, and the Confederate flags are politically incorrect. Ole Miss Black Bears. Sad.
I think I agree. Nothing wrong with new unis. These represent the University well. I think they are alright.
Don't like 'em. Give em to Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Moo U and her little sister or the wannabe aggies. They need something to get excited about.
My first addition to the "ignore" feature... fun. These unis would not be as bad if they used the gold helmets from last time.
Gavin Grey's Alma Mater. Don't like 'em that much, but they are better than what we wore against Arky a couple years back.