So you just couldn't do the prediction. That's gotta sting! I've been typing all day, then you do yor pointby point thing. More typing & for what? You said I'm branded. So be it. I enter the 2020 an LSU fan who hates ghe head coach, as much as you frickers hated Les Miles. Wake me up when Oeaux has 114 wins or more at LSU. And nice job avoiding everything I posted. After court, you'd be in jail begging to plead out right now.
Lol, dude, the only thing I won was the satisfaction of seeing the greatest season ever played being capped by a national championship not coached by les miles. A fucking lot of people out there are diggin it too. You poor bastard
I was talking about your posting constantly about "How a prosecuter should act". And you repeat the standardgreatest season eva/15-0/ Luv me sum Jeaux Burreaux! / Les Miles And a lot of the people know you got a dog with fleas posing as head coach. BTW... I'm not poor.
Idiot. Nobody here hates Les Miles as a person the way you hate Oeaux. A few posts back you used the words you fired Les Miles. I didn't fire him. Shane didn't fire him. The person who fired Les Miles is Les Miles. How old are you? I mean your chronological age,not your mental and emotional age. I'm guessing mid 40s to early 50s. If you were any kind of a lawyer you would have moved on to private practice. The DAs office and the public defender office is for just out of law school guys to get some experience before they move on and become a real lawyer.
Wow, a nobody been run out of bidness so many times you can't even count. And now you want to explain what a Prosecutor should be doing? Does Trey Gowdy look broke to you?