That's a slippery slope. Who are you sure is clean. No one thought Alex Rodriguez was using till he was caught. Everyone says Griffey Jr was clean, but how do you know he didn't use something recovering from his many injuries like A Petite supposedly did? And how do they treat greats like Bonds and Clemens who used to extend a HOF career? Finally are those who used speed before it was outlawed. That was a PED that improved records of many in baseball earlier. I don't know what to do but a blank statement like that ignores a lot of serious consideration.
A lot of excuses are going to be masquerading as serious considerations, too. I'm not saying where to draw the line, I'm saying that a line will be drawn some day. Bicycling went through this, weightlifting went through this. Baseball will go through it, too. Performance enhancing drugs in sports are bullshit and excuses have to fall by the wayside. One by one. After serious consideration.
The metric for coaching ought to be what do you have and what did you do with it. In that metric, Les may be overrated in this list. The painful inability to come to grips with SEC caliber quarterback, year after year, is his Waterloo. Some clock mgt issues, don't help either. Take Spurrier, for instance. Columbia South Carolina is about the pits of the universe. Hotter than you can imagine, and just plain, dump. The guy at Duke, he has "nothing to work with" and he fields a team. That is what the coaching value added is. Not a lot to do with wins. It is value added.
I realize you tend to ignore things (with the exception of things you can post about Tuscaloosa.) So, I'll pose a question. The recruiting of QB's has been primarily on dual-threat QB's, right? Running threats that need passing development but not passing QB's who can run. Is that not the issue with the offensive problems? To even think, or assume, I can't see this goes to show a lot.
PEDs are now because it makes the playing field uneven. And I don't think it has been proven where they are safer to take than when Lyle Alzado killed himself with steroids. But what if they are able to eventually make PEDs that are safe to take and even beneficial to your health. Everyody, not just pro athletes would take them to enhance their own lives.
Anabolic steroids can be safe if controlled and cycled correctly but like any other drug add youth, adrenaline, money and competition and theres no slowing anyone down. And when you get off them its impossible to maintain.