www.thisiswhyyourefat.com My newest bookmark. Is it sad that I want to make and eat most of the stuff on that site?
It's a long-standing joke in my family that the most detested meal served at my daycare center when I was a kid was Sheppard's Pie. I wouldn't even touch it on the days they served that. Some foods just aren't meant to be mixed together...
never had it. but surely it cant be any worse than the kfc crap. tho stacey makes it sound like they are about the same.
Shepard's pie is a fine and tasty traditional dish. It's just stew baked under mashed potatoes. Hold the cheese, thank you, most shepard's pie isn't cheese-topped in my experience. Those who make "sweep-the-fridge" casseroles and call it Shepard's pie should be sentenced to eat at KFC for a week.
School Sheppard'sPie and the real thing are different. I never had cheese on mine as a topping, but conceptually this is a cousin to the KFC idea. Just use good ingredients (like anything else) and you can have a tasty dish.