You just don't get it do you slim? It would not have mattered. The GOP didn't have the votes to stop this crap heap of a bill. The stalling was trying to convince certain DEMOCRATS to vote for the bill. Hence all the secret squirrel payoffs. Make no mistake, if the GOP had any sort of power at the time this bill would be in the circular file.
No I do get it, I know they didn't have the votes, and I know it was a different game I was just using that as an example. What I was saying was, if the GOP could have walked out on that bill, causing their to be a stand still, while they mustered up support for blue dog democrats, everyone except Swerved would have been dancing in the streets praising them. Hell I might have too, because that bill does suck, but I think it sucks for different reasons you all do.
If we are talking about the entire population of the United States, then yeah, definitely, but in FSA........ Maybe just a little? It says something about you man, means you have values, quite respectable. :thumb:
It would have never come to that. If the GOP had the numbers then this pile of steaming kangaroo sh!t of a healt care bill would have never made it to a vote. Too late to shut the gate after the cows done got out though.
not what I was talking about either. I think I misspoke. See the thing in Wisconsin, the 14 democrats left because the bill would not be able to pass, unless 1 democrat could be swayed to come back and vote, even if his/her vote would have been a no. It's called quorum busting. What their plan was, was to leave, and get the media to cover all the protesting, and get the people in their state all riled up. They knew they would eventually have to come back, and that the bill would pass, but they needed time to get the message out, and for it to be a spectacle. And it worked. Personally, and others disagree with me, but I think this works similar to a filibuster. It's a stall tactic.
Sure the ultimate goal was to kill the bill, but their other goal was to turn it into a spectacle and galvanize the people who didn't support the end of collective bargaining. And that did work.