Thanks Plotalot. My main point was that the similarity between 2011 Alabama and 07 LSU was the eye test. The football world was in awe of the proficiency of these two fine football machines. Thus the opportunity to represent, even though both teams had to fight through some personal setbacks.
While I would not want to leave the SEC, I would not be opposed to an 'unofficial' discussion getting 'leaked' to the media. It never hurts to remind people who think their butt hole doesn't stink that crap comes out of it. The SEC likes to think they are perfect but their bowl and schedule policies are really bad. The SEC office did not make Bama, LSU, Florida, GA, and others great teams - the great teams made the SEC; and the great fans made the great teams.
LSU will and should never leave the SEC. The article is a joke as is the notion of LSU leaving. Fact is LSU played for a BCS title last year and easily could have this year with better coaching and leadership. LSU had Bama beat but poor coaching on the final LSU drive, the pathetic uber soft prevent D, and then the personnel breakdown on the TD lost the game. LSU has its destiny in their hands. Quit making sorry excuses by blaming the SEC bias for Bama. Does the SEC seem to favor Bama, to an extent yes. But this goes on in every conference. If LSU goes to the Big 12 we will certianly be behind Texas and Ou who are their established stars. In the Pac 10 its USC. Big Ten is OSU and UM. Also the schedules cycle so sometimes you luck out.
The LSU writer hasn't even had time to take the new 14 member league around the block for a decent test drive. Nor do we know what the new permanent schedule will look like. Nor has anyone in the SEC experienced the upcoming 4 team playoff, which will change SOS and perhaps permanent rivalries more definitively. A wildcard team will always be showing up. Bad case of premature rejectulation. It'd hard to see the old traditional rivalries hanging in there much longer. I give Tennessee a lot of credit though. Even after experiencing multiple beat downs in the past 6 years, they genuinely seem to want Alabama's attention in this annual showdown. They just keep talking about cycles and their turn.
No thanks We'll Pass on your magnanimous proposals! The Crown Jewel of the SEC will need to go eslewhere with its KKK hillbillies to suck blood.
LSU has experienced 40 years of Alabama & what you call your "test drive" What we have here is a metaphor which involves criminals in prison who are always innocent.