Reading Red's response brings back a Howard Cossell flashback. DOWN GOES FRAZIER!! DOWN GOES FRAZIER.
Actually, "flagship" as a metaphor, has crossed over into common parlance, where it means the most important, or leading member of a group. It has also come to be used as an adjective, describing the most prominent, or highly touted product, brand and location. After such an eloquent article by Mr. Rabalais and the strong willed ferocity of TigerLand restating and sounding down so many of these same perceived advantages, due to location and brand, or even highly touted, I just felt reasonably sure this is a term we all could agree on. Oh well, there's always the "Rolling Stones."
I meant to through through Southern Conference play prior to the SC splitting into the SEC and the ACC. Regardless my point is that Auburn should have been considered as a SEC-E team if the tradition angle was truly exploited. I hope the whole permanent opponent thing dies away soon. I feel this because the conference has gotten too big for them to happen. I didn't know that UT and Bama played as non conference opponents in the past. That would be a convenient solution again, but I could foresee Georgia having a problem with that idea, for the same reason I understand why they along with Florida and South Carolina going to a nine game conference schedule (a viable instate non conference opponent every year). I can only speak from a fan's perspective (actually only my perspective) not for the team, but LSU is one of the few schools that doesn't have a mutual rivalry. The closest thing we have to a rival as per your "as much at stake" qualification, would be Bama and Auburn. Probably more at stake between LSU and them in recent years than all of their games between each other and their long standing cross divisional rivals. When was the last time the Iron Bowl winner was ascertained the West title? When did the UT/Bama or Auburn/UGA games take one team off the divisional bubble while putting the other on the bubble? Never have either of these two traditional games been replayed in the SECCG, but LSU has played both of them in the CG after facing them in the regular season. Granted it is after the fact, but you had a pretty good idea what you were going to get from Tennessee this season and that UGA would be near the top; would you have been willing to swap the Dwags for the Vols? Oh really? The first and last thing I had heard after A&M and Mizzou were added was that there were no further plans being made to add any more schools anytime soon. Nevermind, I get it now...make another bridge schedule.
I can't believe a thread over such a stupid, lame-ass article has 14 pages of comments. Wait...yes I can.