1 what unis will LSU be wearing? :helmet: 2 anyone going to the game? How much did you pay for your tix? 3 will LSU get a parade if they win? :laflagwav 4 over under 115 LSU passing yards? :geauxtige 5 will LSU beat Bama and what will be the score IYO? :miles:
I'll bite 1 what unis will LSU be wearing? We will be the home team and wear white. Bama in their home maroon 2 anyone going to the game? How much did you pay for your tix? yes I am going I have a hotel in the french quarter and travel. No tickets yet. I will be there just dont know if in the stadium yet 3 will LSU get a parade if they win? I hope not that last two didnt get parades 4 over under 115 LSU passing yards? Sadly under. I dont think either team will get over 300 yards of offense 5 will LSU beat Bama and what will be the score IYO? Havent gotten there yet
1/ White jersey/gold pants. 2/ Watching at home. 3/ Parades are for "The People's Champs". 4/ Over...WAY over. 5/ LSU 17/ Bama 13
Not in this kind of game. Besides, that sh*t is straight up gay. Some traditions should be left alone.
Only if it goes down Know your role blvd.... And takes a right on Jabroni drive Then check into the Smack down hotel (That is an exact quote from the Great one)