Two things I recall clearly that are related to the turn this thread has taken. One, the jokes and laughs made about so many fans turning up last year at A-day. Two, the remarks heard so frequently that Saban wouldn't be able to accomplish the same things (recruiting) as he did when he was in BR. Fact remains, kids being recruited all over the nation follow programs where there is a lot of excitement. (A word of thanks to Urban Meyer here for sending a letter out to all the Sr's, Jr's and other players on their watch lists announcing how much fan support they had at their spring game with brought even more attention to last years spring game) When you have kids from out of state that we have contacted continually mention the fan following for a spring game as something that impressed them it shows that A-day last year had a significant impact on the recruiting class of this year and that momentum is continuing. I've seen coaches from programs all over the nation mention last year and used it to encourage their fan base to get behind their program to a greater extent. Competing for and winning national championships greatly helps recruiting efforts. There's no doubt about that. It is in itself momentum. For a fan base to create help create momentum is a statement in itself, as well.
This thread took this turn because of a link to Slimebaum's article, claiming we have Saban envy, and bragging on A game attendance. What kind of response did you think you would get on an LSU board, from a Saban jock licker article claiming superioritiy because of a scrimmage attendance when we've just rung up our second BCS? Has he seen our attendance records? Surely, even you, Terry, are not going to suggest that Bama supports their football team more enthusiastc than we do? Because that's what that clown inferred, and that's what we were responding to. Be proud of the A-game attendance, because it was something to be proud of, and it probably did help in recruiting, not that Saban needed it, the man can recruit. Be proud of it, because so far, it's been the highlight of the Saban era.
This is why I find so many Bamanites delusional. They think they are the only team in the SEC playing big time football, the only one with a proud history. We ain't Miss. St. chief, matter of fact, in the last 25 years we're 12-12-1 vs bama, and that includes 6 st. losing years under Archer/Hallman, and you're NC and great run with Stallings Last 15 years, 9-6 Last 10 years, 8-3 Time to lose the superiority complex.
Think about how far a program has to sink that a spring game becomes to focal point of attention. I mean seriously Terry, that's what the Bama posters here are puffing out their chests and braggin about. Spring game attendance. Recruiting is only one piece of the puzzle Terry. I'm not gonna predict that he won't do very well in recruiting, but he's only had one year there so far. Not enough to judge on. I'm sure kids were sitting in their living rooms with mom and dad back in January saying "Wow Bama had 90k at their spring game. Why would I go to a team winning titles when I can go to a school that sells out their spring practice, but finishes one game above .500" Use it as whatever kind of momentum builder y'all want. My whole point is that Bama fans are bragging about the attendance at that practice as if it were the greatest accomplishment in the history of the SEC. Like I said before, I don't care if our spring game turns up 0 attendance, and the local media doesn't even show. I'll take a pair of these :crystal: this decade instead.
true seems somewhat weak to me, especially to compare apples to oranges; a moribund program trying to recover from years of subpar performance versus a program at its zenith. ya think??????? the idea that you would try to somewhat equate the two is laughable at best. should you be proud of 90k at a spring game? if that's your life raft in a sea of mediocrity then hang on. i'll hang on to these :crystal::crystal: would probably help more if the football team would generate a little momentum, don't you think?
I need to stay out of this fray as my involvement would be simply to stir the pot. I will say that I intend to be at the game come autumn; this spat will intensify exponentially as we get closer to game day. This might be one of those games you tell your grandkids about.
A few comments: 1. Bama's spring game attendance actually impressed the hell out of everyone, especially Nick, as it was intended to. They had to let him know that the Bama support was still there despite the black years. 2. The immense pride that some Bamafans have taken from it is kind of sad, though. It really has been a long time since they've been in the upper tier. I miss that old confident Bama swagger. The youngsters around here can't even remember it. 3. But the publicity the game generated has been noticed and now all the SEC schools have had to plan for a bigger spring game and the fans are expecting a new, one game spring season on a regular basis. Recruits want to stand on the sidelines. LSU never really made a big deal out of the spring game. Les really doesn't like spring games they say and only does it because Skip insists it is neccessary for fan rapport. He usually only ran a scrimmage, not a true game which was fine for the expert football and recruiting fanatics but the casual fans and the wife and kids were bored. Not to mention sitting in the hot Louisiana sun for a couple few hours. But Les is a yankee and spring football is being played much earlier in the year now . . . when it is cooler. I expect LSU will be forced to move it to a night game and promote the game like Bama did. Spring games will be bigger across the SEC from now on. I can see Tiger band marching and Tigervision coming in time. 4. Bama has started a trend here I predict, at least among southern schools. Now Nick has to quickly earn some higher achievements, but it was a good start if you have to start near the back of the pack.
that was my thinking, red. i know that miles doesnt care for them and would probably prefer it if no one showed up. it goes right along with being tight lipped about injuries, status, etc. he is probably now saying "f'in bama" for that reason.:hihi:
I'd Imagine there isn't much else to do in Alabama than watch TV all day, so you might be right. Although, I don't think you need cable to watch Jerry Springer, so you may be wrong. By the way, every Southern state bags on Alabama. You guys know that's nothing new.