No idiot let's follow Ronald Reagan's lead and demonstrate they can't run roughshod over us before we deal. How quickly you forget what you cheered on for years and years. Is Trump so important to you that you'll forget and ignore the past??????
Let's start with Neville Chamberlain who thought he could deal with a ruthless dictator. How did that work out? Let's look at the fact that NATO and a strong front stopped then caused the USSR to crumble WITHOUT WAR! How did W's, Barry's and HRC's coddling of Putin work out? Let's see, Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine and Syria all can be called defeats of US foreign policy which has made Putin and Russia much stronger and us much weaker in world opinion. And what about Putin? Here's a man who called the fall of the Soviet Union the greatest tragedy of the 20th century. A man who openly calls for re establishment of the old Soviet empire. A man who murders his opponents and crushes opposition. Every place he's seen weakness he taken advantage of it and ruthlessly stamped out his enemy. Is this a man who we should treat as a friend? Do you think cozying up to him will make him like us?? What fantasy world do you live in??? Putin is a classic bully. A bully is only stopped by strong will and a willingness to use force to stop him.
How has Trump "cozyd" up to him? This isn't the 80s anymore. Yea the past is cool but times are different. We have far more to gain from a different approach we're we don't have to be in an arms race. If we DO need to be at an arms race then NATO needs to pay up. Like TRUMP HAS SAID ALL ALONG. Though you ignore it. It's like Sadam. Bad dude, but if we just would have left him alone we wouldn't have the shitstorm we have now. You Can manage ruthless idiots. Or. We can give the world a reason for war. I don't care one way or another but you guys are just spouting nonsense because Trump is private. And his strategy SHOULD be kept out of the media. Trump did, however, openly talk down on Russia and not a peep out of you guys.
We lack the mental fortitude and political resolve to be at a war. Cold or not. There aren't enough safe spaces in the US for what you guys want.
So I guess that means you supported Obama's allowing Russia to take over the Crimea and the eastern Ukraine? Did you cheer Obama on when he let Putin and Russia give military support to Assad and Syria? Because if we're so weak and fragile then Obama did the right thing didn't he???? Are you a closet Obama supporter?
I support that if we are going to care we actually have the will to see the job through. Obama had good speeches. Never backed them up. You can keep building straw houses. They will fall down. I am grounded in the reality of our position. I have been clear for years in this AND NATO. It is NATO's job. Not ours. If it is to be ours then we need payment for being the world police.
He was a good talker. Not much in the backing it up department though. What a collosal failure. So much promise, so little substance.