I'm not talking about wacko shit like tearing down a hydroelectric dam because it threatens a species of 3 eyed water newts
Well that is what the EPA does. Studies on lizards ans shit that prevent pipelines etc. Liberal turds would have you think of the poor polar bears. I would tell them to go camping in Northern Canada and report back to me.
They wont be able to report back because the polar bear population has expanded and very hungry, "fairwell and adieu my fair spanish lady"
Polar bears are more dangerous than the grizzly. Spent 3 years in Alaska one on the North Slope above the Artic Circle. The indigenous people to a man will tell you the same thing. Their numbers are increasing contrary to what the media and environmentalist claim BTW.
Many years ago, while still on active duty I was visiting Thule AB in Greenland. They took us on a tour of the ice cap in a snowcat. We say a bear about 100 yards away. We stopped and he got curious and approached the snowcat. He got to about 5 yards and the operator said close enough and pulled away.
Thought you might be interested in this video from a Princeton physics professor http://www.climatedepot.com/2017/01...hope-you-hang-by-the-neck-until-you-are-dead/