Get your head out of Al Gore's ass. Your stupid records mean shit unless you state a record for when asshole. Was it a record for the last decade, century, 10,000 years, 100,000, 1,000,000,000 or 4,500,000,000,000 years? BTW you are wrong as usual there has been no warming for the last 18 years. If you truly are open minded you will follow the 3 links below just 3 of many links showing the same data, I doubt you will look at them but I encourage everyone to have a look. Get your facts straight you are a lightweight next to me.
You link to climatedepot and I link to Nasa.
You gave me a link showing data for maybe a year if its even true. NASA has been politicised just as The Weather Channel after NBC bought them. You are taking 6-8 months data I am showing you 18 years of data that overall the earth has not warmed. Your doomsday prediction in time are a fart in the wind. Once again Einstien you are thinking in human on earth time not geologic time. The last Great Ice Age ended a mere 12,000 years ago (another fart in the windstorm measure against the age of the earth) we are still not finished warming from that era yet. Speaking of that Ice Age what caused it to begin? What caused it to end? BTW why did you choose that particular link and not the others? Facts are a bitch to liberals. I encourage anyone here to try looking at global warming data from someone else than the mainstrean media who as we all know are 99% for electing socialist marxist oh I am sorry democrats. We all witnessed what they tried to do to Trump. Try Climate Depot, Junk Science and many other dissenting websites and books. I am waiting professor
A couple of things about your chart there. The y-axis is not labeled so it's worthless. Also, what data set are they using there. And finally, you should probably look up what a trend line is. And as ridiculous as it is that I feel like Breitbart hasn't done enough to discredit themselves, here is a link that specifically discredits their position. You're dismissed from the lecture.
The previous owner of The (Liberal) Weather Channel has disavowed the Weather Channel after he saw what NBC had done with it, google it and see. As far as your lecture try kindergarten kids
Thanks for the well thought out, reasoned response. It certainly explains why he is an issue, but not the #1 problem.