Not sure if you remember but Dinardo had a roster loaded to the gills with talent that he scooped up in La, problem was he had no idea of what the phuck to do with it.
Just fallen to # 18 nationally. Ironic. Will be out of the top 25 with a loss to A&M. Hasn't happened since 2008.
Miles is also guilty of this as well during his tenure. And although Cam has helped on the offense, I believe it continues to be Miles' baby. Too much of the same for too long with the same common denominator.
You know 99% of you were done the day Saban left and Miles was hired. You are the boys who cried wolf and are just getting off on others pain. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. Same tune different off key verse.
Very well said. Look at early on in the season how much more diverse the LSU attack was. Now we are suddenly a much more run oriented team. Often times putting us in third and long. Miles is determined to run no matter what.