So there is a store here in Pineville that has been here ever since i was a kid. Its called Jack's, which is right by LC, and is now run by haji's. This is the picture that i took of the Obama shirt rack in the store, thought you right wingers would get a kick out of it.
Nothing. Just posted it because thats pretty much how i viewed Ronald Reagan, an old racist piece of sh!t, which i guess doesn't differ from Martin at all.
Lott, Reagan and Republican Racism - TIME he was really good at exploiting southern whites deep seeded anger and hate for other races though, and turning that into votes. But i guess the same could be said for Democrats who do the same to get minority votes.
So Reagan was racist because he wanted to treat whites and blacks equally? See, that's the problem. If you don't kiss the Black Caucus' azz you get labeled.
No, that's not what i am saying. Reagan was racist because most of the laws he created during the "just say no" campaign were to target low level black drug dealers. Why is it, that if Johnny White Man brings 100 kilo's of powder cocaine into the country and gets caught, he will do less time than Sammy Black Guy who gets caught with a few ounces of crack rock on the street. Reagan was also against the Civil Rights movement and championed Barry Goldwater's opposing of Civil Rights. But what i was referring to was the fact that he tapped into a deep seeded hatred the whites in the south had for blacks in the south to turn that into votes. However i did say that democrats do the same thing. Personally man, i think every President we have had since LBJ have been criminals, well except Jimmy Carter he didn't a damn thing, but that includes Obama. I think Obama is very cunning, and i think all his policies thus far have been a smokescreen to expand corporate America.