I think 10 - 2 is too optimistic and 9 - 3 is too pessimistic. I am a pessimist, but can't decide, so I will make the "pussiest" post of and bow out without laying out there. So to speak.
Hope those thoughts keep your panties wet~ Will we be 2011, with the emergence of the Honey Badger and everyone being so hungry they want to kill the opponents? Probably not, but you guys aren't what you were in 2011 either. We have the hunger and desire, and we have the young athletes who want to get out there and prove themselves. So ... just minus a honey badger, but you guys lost a lot more. I'll bet you $20 right now we beat Bama.
Go lay $100 on LSU to beat Bama now. The odds are better. If we field the team I think we're gonna field. Those odds are gonna go to shit. Place that bet and Make that money before Vegas crawfishes. Preseason Vegas Odds for LSU’s 2013 College Football Team: LSU’s 2013 Odds to Win BCS Championship: +1500 LSU’s 2013 Odds to Win SEC West Division: +300 LSU’s 2013 Odds to Win SEC Championship: +650
If I had the money extra right now I would bet on $100 on each of those. I unfortunately do not, been putting 100% of my extra funds into debt paying. but $20 to shut up TUSK would be well worth it.
I've already got $50 against a co-worker of mine that thinks Bama will roll us. And he's an LSU fan (supposedly).
Not sure how that would quiet the TUSK? A bet is merely a calculated risk. If you are willing to take it, whoop de doo. Fortunately for me, The TUSK, can separate genuine clairvoyant abilities with the insatiable appetite to be a good homer.