I really wish.........now just a F737-800........in fact the 47th FS left Barksdale a couple of years ago after 30 years on the base. Now the unit is on Davis Monthan in Az. Next week if you are inclined, hoist a toast to my "squadron brothers" of the 47th Pursuit Squadron (predecessor of 47th FS) who did their best to defend the area in around Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th 1941. To this day, the 47th maintains an impressive collection of artifacts given to the Squadron over the years. We had several Pearl Harbor reunions with them at Barksdale, not sure many if any, are still alive. God bless all their souls.
Probably why he is able to lose to Navy, SMU and Memphis in the same year. Why can he beat ranked teams and lose to the one that in the case of SMU, are awful. Maybe I should ask Kirby Smart this year?
Not sure how Herman and Harbaugh are uttered in the same breath............yet. Little difference in the coaching resume's. Quick, anyone know where Herman went to college?????
Prior to my retirement, I would visit our tracking station at Kaena Point annually. The guys at the station had contacts at both Pearl & Hickam that got me special access at both locations. I would take a couple of days vacation at the end of each visit and visit those locations. Definitely an eye opening experience.
I spent a lot of yesterday watching the American Heroes Channel, formerly the Military Channel. Pearl Harbor shows all day.