Well, it's the bloody truth. How quickly we forget that just a year ago the slimy little midget was saying "I don't think you should be in if you don't win your conference " well Nick? What about if you don't even play in the effing CG? What a cork soaker he is.
You just walked into taint realm. You, as well as those memes you've seen, are a misquote. Totally out of context. Look it up, Shane. You'll backtrack on this.
I'll save you the trip. https://www.sbnation.com/college-fo...ayoff-conference-champions-alabama-ohio-state
Correct me if I misinterpreted what you wrote. Are you saying that you would have preferred a 2 loss team, including a 31 point loss to a conference opponent reach the playoffs over Bama?
You are god damned right I would have. The gumps are cheating privileged pieces of shit . I posted it a week before that there was a reason Fresno State miraculously showed up in the top 25, there is a reason Moo U remained IN the top 25 when everyone outside of that wretched backwoods sister fucking state of alabama knows they should have dropped out. If you think there isn't a world wide plague known as gump love you are kidding yourself. These self righteous bastards need to be taken down a few pegs and it is time damnit.