Dude, we all know your value, and appreciate you keeping us in the loop. It is clear, over a long stretch of time, that you know what you are talking about, and you do it without giving too much information to protect your resources, and do it with class. EOTT was a douche who was attention seeking in probably the only arena in his life that he can actually get attention. Because he occasionally had good information, some started buying into his input, but overall he was a douche who was touchy/sensitive, impulsive and an over reactive person. Personally, I'm glad he's gone. Thanks for your continued input, @bhelmLSU
Bro, don't gratify that idiot with an explanation. I should have booted his ass long ago but I tried to work with him. Happy trails fool.
not teeing off on a mod, I just gave a possible explanation of what may have transpired (actually gave 2 possibilities with the 2nd one appearing to be spot on) take it down a notch, amigo
BOT, these verbals are coming in too fast. The OL was one that Les and Grimes must have really liked. Kind of the same with the other two as of late. Class is filling fast. O and Steele has gotten some very good players, good players, make good coaches.
Dude, I was referring to the guy that Bhelm tangled with. I should have said "one" instead of "you", perhaps.
For the last 3 years we have signed 12 players from LA twice and 13 players once. Currently we have 11 verbals from home state guys if you include Fulton. It looks like we will be getting more in-state guys this year than we have in a few years. If we don't it will be disappointing because there are some big fish that have yet to commit to us.