the Oregon legislature created a bill that would make it illegal to fire someone who tested positive for THC,.. the bill died because of fear that the insurance rates for companies in Oregon would skyrocket
Great news - Major League Baseball drops cannabis from its list of 'drugs of abuse'. Will treat it like alcohol. You won't hear much of that from the MSM or many Politicians - we all know the power of Big Pharma - the main reason Cannabis is still classified as a 'Schedule 1' drug - the most absurd thing in the known universe.
I have mixed emotions about MJ. Contrary to popular belief, it does not help you concentrate, and it is a real drag on ambition. We recently legalized Medical MJ, and when I drove by the outlet, the line of people waiting to get in looked pretty much like the folks you would expect to seeking it on the street. On the contrary, It should not be illegal, .... but I don’t believe there should be any special rights afforded to it. If a company refuses to hire you or fires your ass for breaking their no use policy, it’s on the user not the company. My company prohibits carrying a firearm in company vehicles, and they don’t give a shit about your second amendment rights. It’s their vehicle, play by their rules or go find somewhere else to work.
You can't speak for everyone. I think for some it does help them focus - maybe thats because it reduces anxiety where their mind is swarming with different crap - dont know. People smoke it for many different reasons, various medical and maybe just to wind down and relax, have fun - their business. Do you see not being ambitious while you're high as an issue?
Well ... back in my day, it was a situational kinda thing. Nothing worse than being stoned around a bunch of non users. I quit when I went to grad school. It just lost its luster.
not sure pot is addictive, and legalization does not lead to increased use. it leads to less crime and fewer folks in the legal system for no good reason, and cops wasting less time on bullshit
this girl in new york got killed because she was approaching thugs at night trying to buy weed. thats stupid and doing that alone in that area is stupid. nevertheles, she should not need to talk to sketchy fucks in a park, she should pick up an ounce of weed at walgreens
and legal regulation would allow for not just physical safety, but cannabis free of harmful contaminates, like illegal pesticides, waste products, etc...