I think it's pretty common for today's students to take ADHD drugs without having ADHD to perform better. They're drugging themselves and performing better - from what i hear. I think it's healthy for people in today's fast moving world to self medicate in the evenings to relax, settle down, turn off. But that's me. In moderation, of course. To each his own - as the way it should be.
I don't know if it's common or not. If they don't have anything on the autism spectrum, which includes ADHD, then they shouldn't be self-medicating. IMO, it's total bullshit that they are "performing better" by using adderall. What really is the root cause for their under-performance? Brain chemistry isn't voodoo science. If you don't have ADHD, you don't need adderall to perform. Can't say I've heard one way or the other. My opinion is that one drug usually goes hand in hand with one or more other drugs. How in hell does a "student" determine whether they are performing better? It's human behavior to want to self-confirm choices that we make, whether it's the car we purchase, the college we choose, the partner we pick.....or the drug we take. How would these students know whether they are performing better as a result of self-medication? They don't. Any attempt to claim that is self-confirmation. There are so many other options to unwind, relax, settle down, turn off. For me....I suppose if you live alone and have no relationship, then self-medication may make sense, although I would challenge each of those people to try another option and see if they feel different, better, worse, etc. If you live with someone else....a spouse, partner, child....they deserve better than a self-medicated family member. They deserve the real, drug-free, honest YOU. If you self-medicate to "deal" with those in your life, then it's time for a full evaluation. Life is so damn short. There is nothing quite like a one-on-one connection....two people being absolutely real, honest, and free with one another....no drugs, no alcohol. And if you still feel the need for medication.....phuck work....go live your life, experience endorphins, take a few risks. And yes, to each their own.
http://norml.org/action-center/item...ntroduce-the-respect-state-marijuana-laws-act Help the cause. Big Brother is the enemy no matter what color tie he wears. Get out of my living room, get out of my bedroom, and get out of my bank account.
I don't care what you do to your body neither should the government. Just don't come whining when your life goes to shit. In relation to ADHD...about 12 years ago my wife and I adopted a little girl from cps. They said she had ADHD and wanted to put her on medication. Because my wife and I knew the little girl before she was removed from her first home we refused and told them she just needed proper parental guidance. That child is now a straight A student with goals to become veterinarian. Way to many kids have been placed on those drugs.
I agree. And the premise that the government saves/protects people that make bad decisions is wrong. Allowing people more freedom and responsibility will save many people who might otherwise have gone down a bad road. On another note, the federal ban on cannabis (where there's an abundance of research showing significant health benefits across a broad array of medical conditions) is the height of immorality, absurdity, and statism.
From a friend of mine from Sicily's Grandfather: "A bottle (of red wine) a day, keep's the doctor away."
I think they're all Peter Tosh,.. like one comment said, "Welcome to YouTube, where every Reggae song is Bob Marley".