Sweet Jesus, did I just hear Les say he thought they can get off two plays in 10 seconds without a timeout?
I'm too braindead to process it any further, and interpreting Les is a full time job, but it's on tape, so make of it what you will.
But you see, that is it in its entirety. No one, not a single person that has been speaking the English language since the age of 2 can figure out what the hell he is trying to say. Now there are quite a few that just love the taste of his balls that will tell you he is just being coy but in fact he has no earthly idea what the fuck he is saying and neither do they. It is bullshit. The man is a documented moron.
As much as I love LSU, I'm done with any BR trips until he's gone. I'm done with him. I won't buy another ticket to DV until he's outta here...