Chevis Jackson (-35) Ali Highsmith 0 Ryan P 2 Chris Jackson 0 Jacob Hest 139 Early Doucet 168 Total 274 I think I'm getting the hang of this. Do you get a prize for finishing last:hihi:
I had a fine week. Just not accustomed to throwing random $1 players on my team and having them get 200 points.
Ok I am getting worried about a few of you. Che Jackson does not = Chris Jackson Chevis Jasckson had 15 points on return yards. Chris Jackson does not get points for making XPs
What a second you knew the changes made long before the start of the season. Lets just consider this the 1 Week you missed.:thumb:
Yes and expressed disagreement. :thumb: You can't have cheap $1 players. Scott is good at adjusting costs so I know the $1 starters are gone now and will cost more. So it will work out.
I understand that but the first week is hard to now who will get playing time or not. Hell we had 4 people get points that were not even on the list. And honestly who would have thought Zenon would have done that.