i accidentally listen to that boring finebaum show once or twice a week for god knows what reason. because its on the wrong station. probably no longer than a half hour. its like listening to paint dry. but i dont find he hates LSU at all. i think hes pretty honest about our coach and talent.
As of Monday night the tape delay of Finebaum from 8 to midnight on 104.5 is no more. They replaced it with Freddy Coleman. I'm not usually around a TV when it's on in the afternoon. And tirk, twice a week is not an accident.
He has his good days and bad days, that goes for Alabama too. I swear some days he encourages the horseshit, then other days he tries to act all noble and professional. Lately now that Spears has joined the SEC Network Finebaum shows a little more respect to LSU, but he is still the biggest Alabama Homer on the planet.
yes it is. its often on that station and Im in the car for about an hr at that time. i usually remember to change it to mark levin. or i stream music. my damn AM antenna sucks dick.
oh hes plays coy but he knows exactly what hes doing with the idiot callers. he provokes the stupidity on his show because its why people listen. hes a bama homer but its in large part because they have an elitist coach and are a safe bet.
Yep, hell its why I listen. I gain zero football intelligence tuning into that show, its strictly entertainment. And the man has made some serious cash in the process.
He is making a bundle while Charles from Realtown, Phyllis, Tammy, Jim from Tuscaloosa, Larry from Shelby County, Darrell from Columbus, Iman, and Legend do the work. Have I missed any regulars? Oh yeah, the other Larry from Missouri - "How you doing today Mr. Finebaum?" Pawl "Not to good Larry, I have double pneumonia and my leg was amputated this morning. " Larry - "Great, great."
A couple of weeks ago Pawl said the first week he was with ESPN he interviewed Miles and it was the longest 5 minutes he ever spent. Said getting any info out of him was as excruciating as having a tooth pulled