So if it isn’t a danger then why are ICU units being overwhelmed in Mississippi or St Tammany or Texas? Why did Florida ask for 300 ventilator? Why are children’s ICUs being filled? Why are elective surgeries being postponed? Yes the vast majority have no to minor impact but it’s so virulent that even small percentage becomes a great number. That has always been the issue with this pandemic and Delta is making it worse.
It sounds like a lot, but its a small percentage of overall infections. All that aside, ir should be a personal decision whether or not to get vaxxed. I know the risks and will deal with the consequences, but I shouldn't be coerced or threatened into getting it. I may even be more inclined to get it if they weren't pushing it so much. Whether it was bio engineered or not, the virus has been weaponized and is being used by politicians to gain more power. Surely even you see this Winston. Pretty soon, we won't be able to buy or sell unless we provide proof of vax. Is that what you want?
It’s not the absolute number but the impact. There have been sick people not admitted to hospital because Covid has filled the ICU. As I said non emergency surgeries are being postponed even some critical surgeries. Would you want a family member to have to die because the closest hospital couldn’t take her/him? Those are the consequences being seen in Houston, Miami and other places where the Delta is running rampant. Sure the absolute number is small but the impact is huge.