Its such a weird virus because when my wife had it, she was mildly sick for 2 days before she got tested. She isolated afterwards, but during those 2 days, we slept in the same bed and interacted like we always do and I never got it. And I've had blood clots in my lungs before, so I'm high risk. She never was 'deathbed' sick and was going stir crazy after a couple of days. She even deep cleaned the bedroom and re-arranged furniture. She has been vaccinated (after she had it). I have not.
When the good lord decides it's my time to go, it'll be my time. Until then I'm poking not getting poked.
Learned this morning I've been exposed thanks to a coworker who refuses the vaccine because politics.
Politics? I don't know how he would come to that. Im not taking it because the virus isn't going to kill me. Any of these "variants" will spread easier but they are far weaker than the original which wasn't all that to begin with
Quit demonizing people who don't want to get it. You could have just as easily been exposed by someone who is vaccinated.
But I wasn't. And as I said earlier, I respect the rights of anyone who chooses not to vaccinate. That doesn't mean I forfeit my right to be pissed at the same someone who then exposes me to illness.
Right. But I'm also listening to those people close to me that have direct knowledge of what's happening, including the doctor/coroner. BTW, the doctor/coroner has the same political leanings as you, as me, and as my dumbass coworker, who also hears the things the doc is saying. But my dumbass coworker also listens to Tim Young and the Hodges Twins, who tell him every day that the vaccine is really a government conspiracy to control the masses. Ergo, the "I won't take the vaccine because politics" conclusion.