Well .... it's not really gene therapy. The way the vaccine works is that dendritic cells take up the mRNA particles and express the spike protein on their surface. Our own immune system then responds to these dendritic cells with spike proteins just like it would respond to a sars virus with spike proteins and kills them, and produces antibodies. The antibodies arising from this approach is no different from the antibodies that would occur if you injected virus. And in fact, that is exactly what J&J vaccine does, it injects a harmless adenovirus that has been altered to express the spike protein. So ... just for your benefit of making the argument ... the dendritic cell, the adenovirus, or the sars virus, all expressing the same spike protein will stimulate the production of antibodies to said protein.
Then why do they not work? https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19...ave-been-double-jabbed-says-vallance-12359317
According to your article, they are working fairly well. The article notes a correction that 60% of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated. Granted, that leaves 40% that are, which is greater than the alleged 10% that should be. The PROBLEM here, is all these dumbasses pushing the vaccine on everybody are trying to bribe people into getting the jab in exchange for "go back to normal". That is just BAD BAD BAD advice! Going back to work, with a fever, or cough, knowing you are sick is what is causing the spike! People aren't being "cautious" anymore. I'm not talking full lockdown cautious .. they aren't being cautious at all. Just look at the STUPID Democrats who fled Texas, crowded on a plane or bus, no mask, .. and 6 of them are now positive for COVID. Then you have to ask .. just how many people have those 6 infected? There is a big lie floating around that vaccinated people aren't contagious. The Media and Biden, Fauci et al., are TOTALLY FLUBBING THIS UP! Asymptomatic is less contagious, and theoretically, vaccinations should result in more asymptomatic folk than not, but even vaccinated symptomatic people are spreaders. Here's ANOTHER whopping LIE .. born out of a lack of understanding, and flat out abuse by the political elites. "The unvaccinated will increase the chance of a mutated version". TOTAL BULL SHIT! Evolution requires specific pressure. A mutated virus is more likely to evolve in a vaccinated person, where the specific pressure is the presence of antibodies, than in an unvaccinated person who has none. The presence of the antibodies will SELECT for the new variate that is resistant to the antibody ... BAM ... new resistant variant is created. Anyway .. rant off.
All I know is I have three medical people in my family, and my personal doctor is also the parish coroner, and he sees all the stats and gets info most of us don't have access to. All four of those people say, get the shot and get it soon.
Yeah funny how he changed his "account" I wonder who got to him and made him do that. It wasn't a mistake, it was the truth and it didn't jive with the narrative. Sorry @mctiger I respect your peeps but no shot for me.
In fact I'm fairly certain I'm what is known as a covid recovered so I'm in the safest of the safe group.