Oh, so NOW you think wearing a mask is virtue signaling huh. You really have no idea what side you are on do you?
Shane do you understand how things change over time. A year ago wearing a mask was prudent. Today after vaccination it’s pure virtue signaling…..sort of like your refusal to be vaccinated is virtue signaling for Trumpsters.
Oh Winston, its been v/s all along with the stupid mask. Did you not read any of that lying little bastard fauci's emails? You know...the guy that has been out in front of this? He said they don't work which is exactly what I have said from the start. It was and will continue to be about control. Now the vaccine. Why would I get whatever the hell that thing is. Do you know how vaccines work? Ill help you, they are supposed to build antibodies. Guess what this thing doesn't do... Furthermore, why would I inject something NOT approved by the FDA (none of them are btw) into my body to protect me against something that #1 is treatable and #2 has a 99%+ survival rate. Yeah no thanks, im out on that one. As for Trump, didn't he get his shot? Guess we are on opposite sides so once again your babble is like a county line sign out in the country. Shot full of holes.