Most of it already has, but there are always a few who aren't paying attention. One announcer this weekend mentioned that Les owes Nick for LSU's depth. Les has about 8 redshirt seniors on this 85-man team team that Nick recruited and they never played a down of football for Nick. Next year this doofus will probably credit Nick for LSU's success because Nick's strength and conditioning coach is still here.
oh this dude pays attention. its just his belief. not that it matters; just not surprising at the mickey mouse hour.
some in the media dont want it to, but there are fans of other programs that are grudging coming around. this is exactly what the cast tech and i were talking about last week. he is a big ou fan, but he loves miles balls to the wall coaching mentality. he believes that the guts he shows and belief that his players can pull things off just makes them want to play harder for him. miles was getting a lot of respect from the guy. naturally, i agreed with him, but that i was having that convo with an ou fan.....
Well stated. I have really come to appreciate how well LSU plays in the second half and have come to realize how good they are at making adjustments. To me, the most impressive thing about CLM is how much he has grown as a coach - I truly believe he has gotten better since he has been here. He is better at making adjustments and just overall game management. Look at the timing of the calls against AUB in the 2nd half, some typically risky (halfback pass, onside kick), but he picked the right moment where the risk was actually minimal because other options still remained if they were not successful. Then in the 4th QTR, they went for the kill with the option of a FG in their back pocket. The right decisions at the right time. And, I still agree with the throw at the end of the AUB game last year!
Worse by a country mile. I like our chances better under Les Miles to always be competitive--because we always HAVE been under him. We were taken to the woodshed more than once under Saban--to the point of total embarrassment: UGA '04, Alabama and Auburn '02, Florida '00 (though it was his first year). Then, of course, there is the UAB debacle. And in '04, most of the games were really close, including Troy and Vandy--and Oregon State. I'll keep our "idiot" Miles, and Alabama can keep Saban, since it does make them more competitive, so it gives us another intriguing match-up each year.