Just wanted to see where everyone stands on where the majority of the problems reside. I'm not ready to throw all the good things out, Chavis D, Special Teams, recruiting, Miles' success until I see a season or two without GC... Now if Miles does not get rid of GC after this year, its a different story...
I spent 24 years as a commissioned officer in the navy. I cannot help look at this from that perspective and those lens. Bottom line is that in the navy, at least the old navy, the Captain was responsible for his ship. Period. Nothing else. If the foul up by a subordinate, any subordinate, were bad enuf, the Caption was toast. No discussion. Having said that, everyone cannot be the hardazz. We used to study an incredibly insightful paper titled "The Damn Exec." Basically the executive officer took responsibility for all the bad stuff, never blamed the Captain, even if the Captain stated unpopular stuff had to be done. Obviously, the troops loved the Captain, but hated "The Damn Exec." Incredibly leadership story. So...I appears the Miles is the consumate popular Captain. His problem is his execs. If he does not have the power to choose his execs, (and by the way, in the navy, you might influence your exec, but you seldom choose), he is in a bind. I think that is the case at LSU. I believe Miles could be a good (non-laughingstock, long term, one we are proud of) coach if he can get the proper execs around him. I realize on a team, there is not just one immediate subordinate, but he needs people he can give broad guidance to, and they comply, meticulously. Therefore, based on the above a strong case can be made for letting the Captain (Miles) go, but I think a much better case can be made for letting Crowden (exec) go and giving Miles a free hand to bring in his man. There is a great B-school case study, titled "The Functions of the Executive" written pre-1920 by Chester Barnard, that fits this to a tee, as well, but I will spare you that one. Ah...the beauty of education. Geaux Tigers. hwr
I guess since my future career will be fixing cars, my comparison would be that when your fuel pump is bad, you don't replace the entire fuel delivery system. You just replace the fuel pump. The bad fuel pump would keep the car from going anywhere, but it would still be a very valuable car because of the body, engine, transmission, and interior. Once you had it replaced, which would be quite costly, you would be back on the road and cruising!
I really feel like this move is coming as soon as LSU loses because of the offense. That is the important part: LSU is undefeated.
I feel like the move may have already been made, for all intents and purposes. I wanted to say all intensive purposes...but the sense of humor has pretty much left this place. I'm using ISLSTL as the escape goat for that, and I think it's rediculous.