Fair use is a concept that predates the law. Wise up! If a person could not read from a book or tell a joke from a book, or sing a song, then the book, sheet music, recording has no purpose at all. They are all intended to be fairly used by the people that purchase them. Unfair use is a third party duplicating the thing to deprive its author of his just dues. It's not just legal, but it is a social more and it is a moral principal. I know you have difficulty with morals. Copyright only affect copyrighted products, don't try to distract attention. A comedian telling a joke is not protected by copyright. What you are talking about is called plagiarizing. Comics hate other comics who plagiarize a joke because it breaks an unwritten code among comics not to steal from each other.
of course it would, they could read the thing they paid for and keep it to themselves. it sounds to me like you are just selfish and dont give a damn about the artists. if i loan you my book, the writer makes nothing. and the writer deserves to profit from his works. sounds to me like you want to justify your freeloading. do comics not work on their jokes? do they not deserve protection for the exact same moral reasons other artists have?
I'll take this trite nonsense as a resignation. Who knows? But this has nothing to do with copyright protection unless they publish jokes. And they don't publish them because then people would know their jokes and they would not be funny. I can't believe I have to explain this to you.
i know. comics or chefs or whoever, you can copy what they do and it sucks for them. the only difference is that they dont have silly laws protecting them. and the reason isnt moral its technological, it simply isnt possible to protect their works. and now, unfortunately for your side of the argument, the same is true of all media.
*sigh* You STILL don't understand what a copy is and what his not a copy. Not my problem. And speaking of technology, the same technology that now makes it easy for you to steal will, in time, make it easy to catch you at it. You know it's coming.
That would require mass regulation of the internet. Unless we turn into Chine, it aint gonna happen...
Not really. Just monitoring sites where illegal sharing is known to happen. Or you could just cut it out.
what is and isnt a copy is not relevant if the issue is about lost income. also you are dreadfully wrong, it will only get exponentially easier to trade information. you cant un-ring this bell, amigo. the game is over and i have won. any piece of information i want is mine for the stealing.
Aren't they doing that now? How well is that working out for them? I can cut what out? The sharing of MY files? Nah, it's not my fault people can't figure out what success can be had with free apps and music such as Pandora...
Its not the governments problem to regulate the music/artist industry nor should they. If artist are TRULY concerned about stolen material, they would invest time and money into the securing of their digital files. Or find another means to produce and distribute their work...