poll about intellectual property

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by martin, Feb 14, 2012.


illegal file sharing

Poll closed Mar 5, 2012.
  1. stealing info from the internet, i love it

    6 vote(s)
  2. no way stealing is immoral, assclown

    12 vote(s)
  3. i steal but i feel kinda bad about it

    1 vote(s)
  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    if i am the author, why does it matter what i have authored? do i not deserve the same protections?
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    you have a choice. produce the coverage of the football game, or dont. but dont whine like a bitch when you put information out in the wild and people do with it what they please.
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    we already have that. i dont obey laws i disagree with. i speed (well i dont drive, but i used to speed), i jaywalk all the time, and i would be more than happy to use illegal drugs if i liked them. probably 75% of my friends use illegal drugs around me. none of give a shit what it is illegal. and i steal information all the time. everyone breaks laws all the time. even red enjoys breaking the law and smoking weed. right and wrong has nothing to do with the law. nothing at all.

    again, we are the rosa parks of technology. we disobey laws that are unjust.

    correct. and that is why if i spend days writing joke and working my ass off on it, and i work just as much as you do on your tv production, and i tell it, and the guy who hears it takes it and tells and is shares it with everyone, i have been damaged just like you and your tv shows when they are stolen. yunno why i am not protected? because its too hard to enforce. and now it is too hard to enforce protecting other info. too bad, sucka.

    correct, and they have in fact justified it successfully.

    of course i would. i wouldnt steal her potato, i would copy and let her keep hers. she would still have a potato to eat. and i would copy my potato and give it to the world and feed everyone. and she might lose the ability to sell her potato, but screw her, i just fed the world.

    as long as you fail to acknowledge the difference between replicating and making another copy and taking a single item then, you are not going to understand.

    dude, now we can make her pile of potatoes appear anywhere in the world for free. you dont feed the world for fear of her having to get a job performing?
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i am me. go to hell i steal what i want, try to stop me. you cant. its a waste of your time to worry about it. we take what i want and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    If you publish it, you do. No one else can print your your joke book but you. However telling a joke from it is fair use. Copyright does not apply unless you make a copy. I can't believe you can't understand this elementary concept. First graders can.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I can hold you in contempt for being a common thief and a self-indulgent ass. I can take pleasure that I am a better man than you. I can point it out to others. There is a lot I can do, amigo.
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    again, i know the law, my question is why. just using the words "fair use" doent make it fair. it certainly doesnt seem like comedians think it is fair when other comics are telling their jokes. thats why every comic hates dane cook. you should tell them to stop hating him because telling other people jokes is "fair use". dont explain it more than that though.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    and you are a pot smoking criminal. everyone knows you are a criminal. i dont think either of us will lose any sleep over people knowing that we break laws.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Is Singing Happy Birthday in Public Really Copyright Infringement?


    According to United States copyright law in United States Code, Title 17 §106, authors of works such as musical compositions have theexclusive right "to perform the copyrighted work publicly." In United States Code, Title 17 §101, the law defines publicly performing a work as "to perform or display it at a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances is gathered."

    Additionally, United States Code Title 17, §110(4) states that singing the song among a group of people "without any direct or indirect commercial advantage" will not constitute infringement either. But keep in mind: "indirect commercial advantage" is very broad. Courts have found that restaurants, camps, and other venues benefit indirectly from performances of songs like Happy Birthday. Unless the song has been licensed in these situations, it's infringement.

    This means that if you sing Happy Birthday to your family at home, you're probably not committing copyright infringment. However, if you do it in an restaurant — and if the restaurant hasn't already worked out a deal with ASCAP — you may be engaging in copyright infringement.

  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    OH NO!:eek:

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