i want to say when this originally came out one of the younger guys here knew the person. i tried to search for it but couldn't find it. damn that looks painful though.
i like the chick pointing at him right in his face-- when he faceplants. like jim carrey and jeff daniels did at the dude who ate the jalapeno burger and died.
Here is a pic of the guy after from an old thread. I guess he deleted them from the original location because all I could find was this thumbnail.
seems like we have some bugs with the latest upgrade. i had to edit the initial thread and did nothing but resave it. the links were still there but werent showing even on refresh. also there are no media tags anymore. you must manually enter them. not sure why. also the smilies arent readily available. i have to click more which menolikey.
Whatever it was...the link is back up for me now...and I couldn't be happier!! When I couldn't find the link, I tried to do a Youtube search for "Friggin' Idiot", but somehow...that's not what came up. Now that it's back up, I am watching it again and again..."He's bleeeeeding, he's bleeeeeding"!! "Put pressure, pressure, pressure..."!:rofl::rofl: You have to be quick, but if you pause it almost as soon as it starts...then hit play...pause...play...pause...really fast, you really get the effect.
ahh, i always thought the crack of a bat signified spring and was the most beautiful sound one could hear. its now been replaced by the smashing of a skull. so simple yet so sweet.