Yeah, he's a bitch. He's a prime example of why there will always be animosity on the road to alleged "fairness" and removing racism. He actually BELIEVES he deserved something(s) and when he didn't get it, it's not because his work wasn't actually the best, it's because of.....RACISM! Lol. First he says, it's good that 3 black women won Oscars but then says the Academy got it wrong. The same group of people did the voting so why would they get it right in one place and wrong in another? And his behavior during the ceremony? Infantile. Funny, everyone saw him turn his back when the other movie won, but you can't find a picture of it. At least I can't. And as the white producers of the winning film said, "can I help it if I'm white?" And does being white preclude one from having a valid opinion on the topic of racism? The left seems to thinks o.
The fake outcry and white guilt continues but behind closed doors its white noise now resentment. This is how trump gets reelected. Unheard people will again speak with their vote.