Two comments: 1. Phelp's endorsements are aimed at the 18-35 demographic and this won't hurt him there much at all. 2. I forgot . . .
Also, the end result of this is that it really serves to keep Phelps in the limelight for a little longer. Olympians tend to have a short shelf-life after the games are over. This will keep everyone talking about him. Almost seems like a publicity stunt.
nah its just they have lots of revenue tied up into aquaman and hes irreplacable. speedo cant hire anyone else because theres only one famous swimmer every 30 years. michael vick's little bong action in the aquafina bottle at the airport got much more pub. because he didnt have a PR crew contact all his sponsors persuading them to make an immediate statement. But especially because theres lots of star football players. good job by phelps team but one more strike and he'll be left with only cheetos and zigzag as sponsors. :lol::lol: you would think so.
Link: Actions have consequences. Isn't that a law in physics, too? Seems I remember something about "every action has an opposite and equal reaction." One of those real smart fellers figured that out a long time ago. Is he the one who also invented fig Newtons? Probably not. Some people are still proving his theory to be true every day. The laws of man may change, but apparently, not the laws of the universe.
Kelloggs just dropped him. All the others will follow suit. A kid with an IQ of 43 doesn't deserve to be rich anyways.
Just so we're clear, mine wasnt an opinion. Obviously he was going to lose some endorsements...he wont be on prime time TV for years.
To be completely objective, I dont see him losing all his sponsors. He was pimping kids brands for Kelloggs and it was natural for them to not want a known pot smoker's mug staring at kids on the breakfast table. He may lose a few sponsors yes, he may even pick up a few, but he wont be out of the sponsorship business completely. A forgiving public and all that gold is a mighty strong draw.