Carroll, lost the game in the first half. When away you take 3 points whenever you can because you may need them later and he squandered 6. Add those and it is a different game in the second half. That said, I hate both teams, when I went to see the Saints play the Squacks 2 years ago, I was assaulted by a group drunk Seattle fans at the end of the game and it was the first time it ever happen to me even after years going to see SEC games. Not a pleasant experience, especially with wife. Yesterday I ended up rooting for injury count.
With the BCS Championship, there is only one recognized title holder. Pete Caroll is the only coach to hold a ceremony for the AP media poll like it means something. What he coaches his players is to not be accountable such as earlier this year when Golden Tate flat out lied that he didn't shove nobody when every camera saw it and even the Hubble spacecraft caught it on film. So glad he's out the picture and now I can root against the Falcons once again.
I can see some kind of penalty if a coach calls a timeout before his own kicker kicks the ball for a practice shot, but I don't think there should be a penalty if the opposing coach does. Don't want the other guy's kicker to practice? It's completely within your power to prevent it. Stop trying to call the latest possible timeout. And delay of game would be sort of a strange penalty anyway since the game is already being delayed by the other team's timeout.
I talked to some friends who live in Seattle who told me that Flynn has been a model teammate and has handled being the backup with a ton of class. It's funny that he makes way more money than Wilson.
Yep, he and his wife bought some land just North of BTR. The guy will be good at anything he wants once he gets out of Pro ball. An yes, 7th. round pick. Was brought in as just a camp body. Not many have played that long in the NFL, much less, for the same team that drafted him. Only once was he fixing to leave ATL, just cause of one POS.
Maybe not, but he didn't do anything illegal. I admire his moxy. It was a head's up play that won his team the game. Then again, it was a straight on kick from the middle of the field, so it's not like he had to practice kicking from a hash mark.
It's just not a penalty, the officials are supposed to stop a kicker, but if you are already lined up for it, and the opposing coach tries to get cute and call a last second timeout right before the kick, the kicker should be able to boot it. Now the Ravens thing, I can see that being an issue, because he wasn't even on the field yet, the Ravens ran another play after his practice kick I think. But if you wanna be slick and a snake in the grass and call a timeout right b4 the snap, I have no issue with the kicker booting one. That's the price you pay for being a weasel. Call the timeout well before the snap, then you have a complaint.