This is how you know the game was called evenly. With the exception of a few plays they really let them go at it. I prefer that to the refs trying to dominate a game. With that said, the roughing call was bs.
Cheddar for CaCa ... Great call Unk ... I give you the rule book ... The rule specifically covers a scenario in which a quarterback is in a passing posture with one or both feet on the ground. In that situation, no defensive player rushing unabated can hit him forcibly at or below the knee. The defensive player also may not initiate a roll or lunge and forcibly hit the quarterback in the knee area or below. Exceptions for these types of hits occur when: the passer becomes a runner, either inside or outside the tackle box; the defender grabs or wraps the passer in an attempt to make a conventional tackle; the defender is not rushing unabated or is blocked or fouled into the passer. A violation of this rule applies when defenders are rushing unabated to the quarterback, and it will result in a 15-yard roughing the passer penalty. For perverts in here ... un·a·bat·ed adjective without any reduction in intensity or strength So shoulder to the hip was legal as pointed out by the Game Announcer ... Because Mullen is the whiny azz bitch that he is and cried about Trask before the games to the refs, they gave him a penalty ... And negated a beautiful pic by Fulton