My last post wasn't directed at you and I don't think you took it that way, it was just a good place to sneak it in. Bottom line is there have been post reported and others that weren't but probably should have. In our opinion it just gives us a bad look and I'd like to think we are better than that. I know everyone here is an adult and we shouldn't let this stuff get to us, we also dont want to drive anyone away and more importantly we would like to have more people join. Cant do that if it's the wild wild west.
Is this something you decided on your own or are those the new marching orders from whoever owns/runs the board now? If that's you now, then great. Your board, your rules. I agree that points can and should be made without resorting to personal attacks and I do try to follow that mantra, but sometimes things can get heated and insults can fly. I guess I'm just old school in that I don't believe in putting anyone on 'ignore' and I don't need a moderator suspending anyone for calling me a name. But that's just me and I guess that's the minority opinion. So since everyone has pretty much been warned, the next person to call Tap 'taint' and it's adios muchacho.
Don’t know I’ve been doing my absolute best to ignore the only person other than SabanFan back in the day I’ve really gotten ugly with, but in my defense the ugliness was going around. I think I used to maybe get under his skin, hell maybe it’s karma.
I guess this means no more end zone celebrations here. Are we still allowed to spike the ball or is it a hand it to the ref kinda place now?
We all can't wait for LSU football season to start. But when it does, opinions separate like oil and water. Battle lines are drawn. Forum war begins. Glad y'all took action before we even lost a game! LOL.