The price of a "fattie" has gone up nowadays: 1. Loss of QB with an efficiency rating almost 180 and a sure NFL payday 2. Loss of all "favored" roles in SEC Championship and NC in 2008 for LSU 3. Loss of a bright future, but will likely resurface aka Cecil the Diesel. too good not to resurface 4. Loss of trust from a good guy who broke his back to help this kid 5. Loss of faith from teammates who were pulling for him to get it together Twenty years from now, if this kid is still alive, he'll look back and see what a terrible mistake he made. He probably doesn't even see this now. A sad footnote in the LSU FB saga of 2007 :crystal:
As an outsider to LSU sports I'm going to completely disagree with #3. Quarterback is not running back. It's a leadership role on the team. This kid at this point is a bad apple and tainted goods. There is no major program that's going to take a chance on him and he can all but kiss any NFL aspirations goodbye. He is NOT a proven commodity. The only thing proven about him is that he makes bad decision after bad decision. Here's to hoping that he gets his life in order and doesn't become a sidebar on the evening news in the not so distant future.
Around noon today Wikipedia was saying "He is reported to have a failed a drug test due to marijuana". They didn't have a confirmed source that I could find. Too bad for him and all of those he let down, but I am glad the saga is finally over.
Probably not a good time for me to chime in. I understand why you guys are hurting and maybe feel like you need to circle the wagons, but I just wanted to stop by and say two things: 1) I am sorry for RP and the pain he has brought all of you. As LSU fan's you have every right to be proud of CLM today. He treated RP more than fairly and, in the end, he was still able to do what had to be done for the good of the program. I join you in giving LM major props this morning. 2) To Ryan ... it's a lot more than a game, young man. Time to grow up, before you run completely-out of good options. I sincerely wish you the best. Fight On!
I remember the thread and I was completely with you 110% about his character "flaws." I regretted mentioning that after the fact, but damn it if it didn't come to fruition. :dis: RIP RP
Hector - you're good peeps and always welcome to comment. And I think this can only be good in the end for CLM and the program. Even if it hurts the 2008 season. Unavoidable, clearly.
i am totally pi$$ed off right now. just finished a 2008 lsu video this afternoon and had no idea about this,turned on espn and there is the news.always had a thought the rp bit in the vid would get comments about him being kicked off,but thought it would take longer than 1 second,geez. guess it's time to roll a fat one and edit some more. :dis: