so we have both the triple heresay from SabanFan and the reveille saying RP failed a drug test. my ? is--what are the odds that this was also the reason he was suspended earlier? and what are LSU's NCAA compliance obligations? (was CLM forced to kick him off?)
while we commend les for finally kicking him off. i think you run into legal issues if its found out rp was a cokehead and something goes down while he was aware. i think it was likely the first time and his hand was forced big-time. there is no way you can legally keep perrilloux on the team after a positive test.
i dont see that being the case. i think that is something that miles would have zero tolerance with. if he had failed one earlier he would have been gone for good then.
For whatever reason RP is gone, LSU is better off that this happened in the Spring rather than the Fall. Now LSU will have someone at QB trying to take advantage of an opportunity rather than taking an opportunity for granted.
miles did everything within the law to keep him on the team. he didnt necessarily do it for the right reasons either. he did it because he knows he needed him to win big. i tend to think the legal issues with drugs forced his hand. otherwise its likely he would be covering for him for the 10th time.
ESPN is reporting that it's a failed drug test. "LSU coach Les Miles did not offer details, but sources within the program told's Mark Schlabach and ESPN's Joe Schad that Perrilloux failed a drug test.The drug test result led Miles to dismiss Perrilloux on Friday morning, two sources close to the situation told Schad." Sorry if anyone had this link already. I didn't see it anywhere.
yes, miles did everything he could to keep rp on the team. but i just dont see that drugs (even taking out the legal issues) would be something miles would tolerate.